Description based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions

company name Marumo Co., Ltd.
person in charge Nobuyuki Kato
location 〒915-0235
17-8 Shimoeguchi, Gobunichicho, Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture
contact address Please contact us from the following.
Phone: 0778-43-0500
Selling price It will be displayed on the screen during the purchase process.
Consumption tax is shown as tax included.
Delivery charge It will be displayed on the screen during the purchase process.
Consumption tax is shown as tax included.
method of payment For payment, you can use credit card payment, internet bank payment, and electronic money payment.
Please check the available payment methods on the purchase procedure screen.
If the following conditions are met, we will accept returns with free shipping and no restocking fee, and refund the full purchase price to the purchaser.
  • It must be within 30 days after the arrival of the product.
  • The product is unopened or the product is defective.

* Cash-on-delivery fees and transfer fees that occur in payment are not included in the refund amount.

If the following conditions are met, we will accept the cancellation without a cancellation fee and refund the full price of the product to the purchaser.
  • Before delivery.

* Cash-on-delivery fees and transfer fees that occur in payment are not included in the refund amount.